Friday 1 January 2021


 Happy New Year 2021

Looking ahead to bid a big farewell to the shitshow that has been 2020 and then welcome in 2021 which surely must get better soon. 

May it be a year of fun, excitement, love and happiness for you all whatever you have planned. Last year wasn't the best for me personally, plenty happened work and home, but we still standing and it's time to look forward once again. Not making silly resolutions this year but I do want to carry on and improve my life, so will still be writing regularly on different topics as I find this helps me deal with most things. Shall carry on with the horse racing and look forward to the possibility of going to Ascot (April) and Sandown (May) later in the year for my birthday and my older brothers, both events were not possible last year due to Covid. There is still the football and hopeful that AFC Wimbledon can survive another relegation battle in League One this season plus having built and returned to Plough Lane Stadium we need to have fans back in attendance. 

Since all planned trips away last year were cancelled it would be good to be able to make plans for some trips away this year, ideally to Swanage, possibly Isle of Wight and Isle of Man too, first though I need to see what is happening at work and I really do fancy a change of scene and lessen my commute would be nice too. Going up to see friends in Newcastle if we ever get out of these restrictions with a few concerts also lined up but unlikely anything happening this side of April / May?

So whatever plans you make this year hope they are exciting and trouble free.
Keep well, have fun, stay safe and be kind to each other.

Hope you enjoy a wonderful 2021. 

Happy New Year 2021

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