Sunday 7 March 2021

PARK RUN 5K -- LOCKDOWN FEATURE #7 - WEEK SEVEN [Get some eggs in]

Continuing with the simple eight week guide to successfully completing a 5k walk. You can walk at the same pace throughout or, if you want, you can alter the pace that you walk as indicated below. Remember that any plan is only a guide, so please do go at your own comfortable pace. Go on you can keep it going we heading into the home stretch now...


    17 Minutes of walking every other day 
    (this doesn't have to be done in one go)

    + a 50 minute or approx 4k walk (Alternating 10 minutes faster paced walking and a 5 minute easy) once a week. 

      We may be physically apart from each other but we are part of a strong and positive community 🤗 
      We’re in this together. We are with you. Keep going.

      There will be highs and lows, ups and downs, times when we have a little more confidence and days when we are riddled with self-doubt. This is totally normal, and understandable.

      Whilst there is no quick fix, here are a few things that might help you overcome any little bumps in the road:
      • It is often really handy to be able to have people to lean on who can support and motivate you, so perhaps you can think about who that person or group of people might be. Or offer to be that supportive shoulder for someone else. Sharing the journey can help with accountability too, in that it gives you someone to report back to and might make you a little bit more likely to stick to a plan.
      • If you are doing some form of exercise, have any kit you need ready and accessible, to minimise any prep time before you start (which can often lead to procrastination in getting out of the door!).
      • Maybe you could download some uplifting, energising music to listen to before or during a walk or a run – or even choose to dance to that music as a way of injecting some movement into your day. We promise not to tell anyone what your choice of tune might be!
      • It can be useful to read true stories or watch videos about those who have overcome adversity and gone on to achieve their goals. It’s easy to think that we are the only ones experiencing challenges, but the truth is that everyone, no matter who they are, has encountered setbacks. You are not alone.
      • Have a look at your weekly schedule and try to identify one/two slots where you might regularly have a little time to dedicate to you and your goal, even if it is just a few minutes  – something is always better than nothing. Having a plan, and one that you are likely to stick to, can help to provide structure and help make implementing small changes a little easier.
        Did you know that with Happy Egg it is really easy to up your Vitamin D intake through your diet? 🥚🥚🍳
          Just two large Happy Eggs include 4.74 micrograms compared to the 3.72 micrograms in 2 average large eggs*, which makes Happy Egg a delicious way to brighten your day!
            Vitamin D is great because;
              1. It helps us absorb calcium.
                2. Strong bones help protect hard-working legs.
                  3. It can help boost the immune system.
                    4. It’s been linked to serotonin, the mood-stabilising chemical.
                      5. It can stimulate the nerves in (busy!) muscles.
                        *2 large Happy Eggs provide 4.74UG.
                        Park Walk 5k

                        Refuelling is important too and Park Run have a partnership with Co-op, get yourself down there for important supplies and why no whip up a quick ham, mushroom and Worcestershire sauce omelette. Yum, always my go to food to use up any 'left overs' in the fridge too, eggs are a great stand by as I maintain that ALL dishes are improved by the addition of a poached egg on top. 

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