Sunday, 21 February 2021


Park Walk 5k

Continuing with the simple eight week guide to successfully completing a 5k walk. You can walk at the same pace throughout or, if you want, you can alter the pace that you walk as indicated below. Remember that any plan is only a guide, so please do go at your own comfortable pace. Go on you can keep it going we heading into the home stretch now...


  • 15 minutes of walking every other day.
    (this doesn’t have to be done in one go)

  • Also try for a 30 minute or approx 2.5k continuous walk once a week. 
    (maybe alternating 5 minutes of faster paced walking and 2 minute steady)

We've reached week 5 of our really simple and easy walking plan 👣 

How are you getting on?

The cold doesn't help I know but trying to keep moving and warm up, wrap up well, then try to vary the route if you can. 

Park Walk 5k

Refuelling is important too and Park Run have a partnership with Co-op, get yourself down there for important supplies and why no whip up a quick ham, mushroom and Worcestershire sauce omelette. Yum, always my go to food to use up any 'left overs' in the fridge too, eggs are a great stand by as I maintain that ALL dishes are improved by the addition of a poached egg on top. 

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