Tuesday 7 February 2017



This Tuesday would have been my Dads 83rd birthday, sadly he's no longer with us but that doesn't make it any less of a day to remember him. Think about you all the time Dad you were everything to me and I still feel I let you down so much. Literally saved my life when I was young and foolish, now I'm older and still foolish but not a day passes when you are not in my thoughts. Xx

To say I miss him every day would be an understatement. No amount of time is going to change how I feel, and I would give anything to see him again.

Another year may have passed, my feelings are unchanged, love you for every you did for me, sad that I didn't do enough for you in return. Your legacy lives on with the rest of the family and children, your work is still remember by those that knew you. 

You may be gone from my sight, but you are still a big part of my life and have never gone from my heart. 

A special wish for such a special person. Love You Dad xx

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