Friday 25 December 2020


So that's nearly it for yet another year, and what a miserable year it really has been for us all. So I want to send out some festive wishes to everyone, have a very Merry Christmas may you enjoy a wonderful time with family, friends and loved ones. Try not to argue, say hello to your neighbours ...  then eat, drink and ... well yeah actually that'll do it for me. Personally I'll be having a nice quiet one at home alone, treating it as another "bonus Sunday" so having a lovely long lazy day, do some dinner after the Queen has been on and then settle down with a Bond film or something funny perhaps. Not much on I expect but nice change to be off work for the week and maybe there will be a few pleasant surprises along the way.
Xmas Greetings
I have bought myself a nice bottle of Highland Park Whisky, which was one Dad enjoyed, and so I shall be raising a glass to all those no longer with us, Mum, Dad, friends and family. Will have a look at the Kempton Park races for Boxing Day which includes the King George VI chase and there's a feast of football later this week, thankfully I am off till the new year so plenty of time to spare. Doesn't look like I am meeting up with people this year. 
For Christmas Day itself, before the eating and drinking gets out of control will just be putting on some music and enjoying the day at home alone. Will probably also get some of my Dads model trains out for a bit of a run on a test track I have. The important thing is to just rest, try not to worry about things, and enjoy the day.

I hope you all can have a wonderful time yourselves too.
Have a very Merry Christmas   Martin Xx 

Merry Christmas 2020

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