Many years have passed and you're not here to share my life each day, I feel a sadness in my heart that will not go away.
I remember you no matter how long it's been, and of course losing Dad too has really made me sad that I didn't do more when you were both around.
For when we were together Mum (Dad too) we were as close as we could be and there isn't anyone here who could mean the same to me now.
The tears that I shed today are for you, for the love you gave me, and for the time we never had together when you were cruelly taken from us all too early.
For when we were together Mum (Dad too) we were as close as we could be and there isn't anyone here who could mean the same to me now.
The tears that I shed today are for you, for the love you gave me, and for the time we never had together when you were cruelly taken from us all too early.
You brought me up to respect others, have good manners and be polite, and while I might not have turned out to be the best son in the world at least you gave me a good grounding in life.

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