Sunday 30 April 2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME -- 30th APRIL 1969 - 2017

Another year older, and we're still alive and kicking (just).

So what to do? Well I always make sure I am never at work on my birthday and this year was to be no exception, booked some leave and enjoyed a fun few days out and about keeping busy. 

So we planned some days out for the rest of next week which begin with an annual day out on Wednesday to Ascot races, together with my big brother and few other faces. 

It's an annual event going racing for this meeting, usually a nice day out, plenty to see and do and we'll cover the racing side of things over on a separate post. 

Making plans for the rest of the week and on the agenda will be a day out to the sea, usually Brighton but if Southern trains are not behaving still perhaps we need to try somewhere else. 

Money has been a problem most of the year but as we have the week off to enjoy ourselves we will ensure we find somewhere to go out for the day. All being well am meeting a great friend of mine Ju's for lunch too and if the weather is nice then aim for some simple days out to either Windsor or Richmond if only to sit down by the riverside and relax which I think will be most welcome. 

As usual am not expecting any cards, gifts or surprises, it will just be another day and another week with a few days off to enjoy, relax and try hard not to keep thinking about all the mistakes I am making, that will have to wait for another day. Used to get a little something for myself on my birthday though right now I neither can afford one nor deserve one, so if I do something it will be small. 

What I do miss is my family, really going to feel all alone, I love all this bunch, we just don't do enough together now really. 

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