Tuesday 14 February 2012


Carlos Tevez is due back in Manchester today on St Valentines day, it'll either be massacre or a big love in with Mancini, not sure how the rest of the squad will take it ... I mean going on strike when you are on £250k a week is taking the piss really when all you do is kick a ball about. He should be left to rot in the stiffs for the rest of the season and his "unearned" wages be given to a children's hospital or something useful.

Tevez reckons he was 'treated like a dog' by Mancini. If it's Redknapp's dog we're talking about, I don't think he's got anything to complain about!! What he doesn't GET is that Mancini is his BOSS so learn your place, and play the game you are paid handsomely to do.

#Stop Moaning Dot Com.

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