Friday 1 December 2017


We don't get the guys out that often so it was great to have so many attend our lads Christmas do on Friday. It was nice for the girls to show their appreciation too (yeah, if only) and no one was harmed in the making of this night out. Was a bumper turn out too with Lee, Vince, Neil, Mark, Dave, Richard, Nick and Jason out along with myself.

Dave Mc and I started early meeting up in the St Giles Hotel, Feltham and was not too long before the beer and jokes were flowing, Vince joining us about 5:30 and and hour later we moved onto The Cabbage Patch in Twickenham, once more our venue of choice for the evening. 

Some of the guys took part in a Secret Santa effort, which was good natured fun but something I wasn't too keen on. 

Then not surprisingly we hear from Neil that he was on his way, only to find he bailed out around Virginia Water and was waiting on a rescue by his wife. Seems that he over did things on his company Xmas do which began that lunchtime. 
Poor lad. 

So that left just the eight of us, Cabbage Patch was very busy, plenty of beers drank though I was struggling a bit so on the Jack Daniels, then onward to a noisy curry house for some food (ordered too much food as usual) and then we were nearly done. 

Jason was on the night train home to Exeter catching a sleeper service from Reading, Lee staying at the Travelodge locally so the rest of us hailed a cab back to Feltham to drop Dave off and then a brisk walk home. Long day, but a good day. 

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