Wednesday 26 November 2014


It's Wednesday again and still feels like only a week ago since the last one, Kempton Park is our regular midweek venue;

Sticking with the Handicaps tonight and we've three to look at again on an eight race card which will get under-way with one of a number of maiden events at 4.15, our first handicap event is at 4.45 racing over 1m 2f. 

4.45 1m 2f -- Fairly uninspiring event, am giving one last chance to the bottom weight EVACUSAVE LADY [4th 25/1 was 40s] who's now priced at 33/1 here though won 3 in a row not that long back and went up sharply in the weights as a result. Slight ease in grade and good jockey on board at the price seems worth a risk. [Good run all things considered.]

7.15 6f -- 12 declared here with Major Jack and Steelriver the market principles but I like the look of DUNGANNON at 25/1 having raced at this level and won a couple of races last month at Ascot and Doncaster, was also thought well enough of to have a period out racing in Dubai too. Shouldn't be dismissed here with his apprentice taking 5lb off too -- has ridden him before as well which is a plus. [10th 16/1 poor]

7.45 1m -- The finale is an Apprentice Handicap over the mile course here, TAMUJIN wouldn't be an obvious pick but has a squeak on couple of runs, to place that is, at 25/1 has only run 6 times this year, probably found the heavy ground and 11f at Brighton a bit too much last time out this seems a better alternative, flat, 1m, safe AW surface, decent apprentice on board. [10th 25/1 always rear, not good bad choice by me]

Place chance at least and has plenty of AW experience having raced in Ireland at Dundalk last year. 

Not as good as it turned out, never mind this will happen when you chance a big price selection as we will continue to do over the winter. 

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