Wednesday 11 December 2013

December already, just 2 weeks to get your pressies and turkey stuffed ....

Yeah in a little over 2 weeks it'll all be done with for another year. Great !! 

As you can see I am not a big fan of Xmas. I guess as you get older it's not very important, I can get drunk and eat too much at any time of the year so what's the big deal about December 25th that you want me to get up and be nice to the family ... bah. 

So I hope you all been good this year, and that Santa brings you all you have wished for (else go get it yourself and stick it on the Credit Card). 

Have a wonderful winter, will be back with more silly racing systems and who knows what else next season. 

All the best


Important message for this time of year


Drink driving

It's not worth the risk

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