Wednesday 16 February 2011


1 Do one thing each day to help you reach your goals. 
You don't need to cross all your goals off your list every day, but you can chip away daily. When you get up in the morning, set a daily objective for yourself and make sure you achieve it. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you feeling good about your progress.

2 Set weekly goals for yourself. 
Sometimes it is easier to make it to 5 o'clock when you can keep your eye on the prize. Even if you hate your job now, there is something out there that will make you happy. Set weekly goals to help you find that golden opportunity. One week you might strive to send out five CVs or attend one networking event. Setting these goals will give you something to work toward.

3 Develop a positive morning ritual. 
Going into a job you hate will be worse if you get to the office feeling rushed, stressed and frazzled. Set aside some moments of solitude each morning. Treat yourself to a latte, get up early enough to read the paper, or just set your alarm to play upbeat music when you wake up. Improving your mornings can do wonders for the rest of your day.

4 Create a diversion for yourself in the office. 
Does being in your office make you yearn for the outdoors? Are the incessant ringing phones driving you batty? Do something to brighten your mood while you're at work. Take in a tropical picture and use it as your screensaver. Buy yourself a "joke of the day" desk calendar. Plug headphones into your computer or bring your iPod to work. Go out for lunch.

5 Develop your skills. 
Hating your job doesn't mean you can't learn new skills. Use your time to make yourself a better candidate down the road. If your company offers training courses, take advantage of them. Use downtime to learn something new on your computer. Pick up a management development book and read it at lunch. Turn this job into an opportunity for self-improvement.

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